Sunday, February 26, 2017

Milestone Day finally got here!

I wasn’t too sure how I was going to handle 11 miles since this was going to be my first time running 11 miles.  My initial thoughts were should I think about it as just adding a mile on what I did last weekend or should I think about it as adding half a mile to the 5 I would run out and another half to the other 5 running back to where I started?  Either way it was going to be 11 miles whether I liked it or not.  I was nervous about it but knew that I was committed to finishing it no matter what. I got a message that morning from a dear friend that said “it doesn’t get easier. You get stronger” and I took that to heart and used that as a mantra while I was out there. 

The first few miles were in a new location for me and it was beautiful.  I always wondered how people got to the Mormon Temple since it looks inaccessible when you see it on the beltway.  A friend’s daughter Jalyn always asked me whether that was a castle and I always told her that it kind of looked like one but wasn’t one and she always asked when we would go there and I always told her there must be a mystery road to get there but we shall get there one day.  Watching the sun rise and the rays reflect on the top of the temple was beautiful.  I thought to myself I should stop and take pics and save them for when I see Jalyn and tell her that I was not too far from the “castle” when I was out running.  I stopped to take a pic until when I realized this was just around mile 2 and I had 9 miles to go.  I had no time to spend taking pictures and off I went knowing that I would be back to take a few pics on my way back at
the end of the run.

It was about 60 degrees when we started and was hot and I started to complain about the heat until when I decided oh no this is what we must deal with today so I have no choice but to keep it moving.  Along the way, I was reminded that the half marathon I am running is in Florida so these temperatures are just getting me ready for the heat if any on race day so yet again I had no choice but to check myself. The times when I would get negative thoughts and feel like giving up I would find a familiar face along the route which makes it easier and a little enjoyable that you are not in this alone.  Talking about familiar faces along the route, I met Sarah twice on my way out and back and I think she is the only person who I have met who is able to smile, run fast and is with a dog J Where do you get all this energy from Sarah?   

Somebody asked me about what I think about when am running and I told them my mind is all over the place that one would probably think I was a little crazy.  Well we all have a little crazy in each and every one of us so don’t judge me…LOL. So here were some of my thoughts while I was out there:  Hmm will I be able to do anything the rest the day when am done, OMG am I really running 11 miles, snap out of it Lynn you got this, ok ok, hmm look at those very fast runners, do they feel the aches and pains that I do?  Do they experience any chub rub, oh chub rub a topic for another day, I guess they are fast because they are skinny..arrgghhh, you don’t have to be that fast there isn’t any animal chasing you, is that what they call their slow run, gosh what am I going to have for dinner? Hmm somebody promised to make me dinner, will I be able to get there to enjoy the dinner, oh have I paid my bills, what am I having for breakfast after all this, it is really hot, gosh it is so hot I think am going to throw up, does that mean I like running in the cold, oh no am getting converted to being a winter runner, hmmm I wonder if I will see any familiar faces, why don’t people smile when they are just walking their dogs, oh that is a really cute couple, hmm I wonder how long they have been married. Are they married, did I take the trash out, what a beautiful house, I should start clean eating again hmm why won’t I commit to a clean eating even for 10 days and the thoughts went on and on   and on. 
View of the temple and yummy dinner
Anyway the 11 miles were finally done woot woot, I was able to walk after that and still be able to function later on in the day.  I got to be pampered with homemade dinner and the only thing I was not able to do was take the extra photos on my way back for Jalyn because this girl was beyond exhausted. I hear from seasoned runners that if you can run 11 miles then you can run 12 miles so 12 miles here I come so help me God!


  1. I loved this recap so much. Especially because you were smiling and strong at the finish and there to wipe away my tears from fatigue and boost my spirits from wallowing in defeat. Big hugs my friend.

    1. You were not defeated at all because you did it and am super proud of you. Just so you know you are one of my inspirations and we got this done. I know you would do the same for me. Fist pump twin :)
