Sunday, February 12, 2017

Do you really run?

I have met several people who have asked me questions about my running experience and I sometimes wonder whether these questions are because they are curious about running or for them to compare themselves to me or even doubt that I run or whatever reason they may have to ask these questions makes me sometimes wonder what they would like to know.  Here are some of the questions that am usually asked:   Do you really run the whole distance, are you sure you run and not just walk fast, are you serious you can do the distance, don’t your knees bother you, what about your leg does it bother you and oh I didn’t think you were serious when you said you run? Depending on the tone and how am asked, I find myself sometimes being defensive in explaining why I run and have had to always go into depth to explain why and how I started running.  One of the main reasons is that I run to challenge myself and see if I can conquer whatever challenge I set for myself.  Secondly, the amazing friends I have met and kept through running are who inspire and motivate me to do better every time am out there and finally it’s all about the social part the food, drinks and chill out time…woot woot.  Who doesn’t like rewarding themselves with good food or a drink.

Last in a race but won't stop
The running community is such a welcoming community that does not pass judgement on people based on how they look or how fast they run.  This is where I fully understood the statement never judge a book by its cover.  There are all types of people, different personalities, sizes or even with disabilities but with a common goal to enjoy the activity.  Before I became a runner yes, I just called myself a runner I always thought that people who run had to be skinny and lean and must all be fast like the Kenyans we watch on television who win marathons.  Those who have known me or have met me know that I don’t have the typical “runner’s body” or what we assume to be the typical runner’s body but that does not stop me from going out and doing the best I can to make myself better day by day.  This journey is not easy at all but it gets easier if one remains consistent and let us not forget the mental strength.

Oh what the hills elevation
This week’s training was tough.  On Wednesday night was oh what the hill night?  I think we were all speechless when we did our first hill repeat and by the time we were done with the 5th repeat we were probably cussing in another language whether you spoke more than one language or not it was just rough.  The temperature that night during the run was the only pleasant thing until when we were

On Saturday, while the training group was scheduled to run 7 miles I had to prepare for 9 miles.  I didn’t know whether I should think about it by splitting it in half and deal with one half 4.5 miles and then the next or to just think of the 8 miles I run last week and just add 1 more mile.  Either way I was going to have to find some inner energy to do the 9 miles.  My fourth to fifth mile was brutal.  It was very hilly and am so glad we had done hill repeats during the week.  I can’t believe I just said that but gosh am I glad we had done some tough hill during the week.  A part of me thought that somebody had paid Coach KC was determined to test the level of my strength and resilience during the training.  Coach told me she had faith in me that I would do it but a part of me had my doubt while I was going up the hill but am glad I did it.  I finally made it and can now look forward to the next weekend when I finally get to my next challenge the double digits.

To those who think they can’t run there is always something out there for anybody to do such as walking or swimming or whatever fitness journey you would like to take on for a healthier life.  Just find out what your passion is and go for it because the sky is the limit.


  1. Lynn you are amazing and I love that you impact so many people who see you and are inspired by your journey. You go girl!

  2. Am always humbled by your support. The journey is not easy as you know but having an amazing support system lifts a heavy burden during the journey. Thank you.
